On the morning of January 15, the enemy once again launched a massive shelling of Ukraine. The first explosions were heard in Kharkiv, and an alert is now in effect across the country. This was reported by the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as conveyed by UNN.
A series of explosions in Kharkiv could be heard starting around 06:08. At that moment, military officials reported that cruise missiles had been detected in the region. Additionally, ballistic missiles were used from the Belgorod region. The missile tracking is still ongoing.
It is noted that starting from 06:13, the air raid alert spread throughout the territory of Ukraine.
Furthermore, another fast-moving target entered through the Sumy region on a southwest trajectory. A group of missiles was also recorded in the region following the same path.
Reports indicate missiles from the Kherson region with a trajectory heading northwest.
A group of missiles from Kherson is moving towards Mykolaiv region.
On the morning of January 15, an air raid alert was declared in various regions of Ukraine due to the threat of missile strikes. Prior to this, a group of Tu-95MS bombers took off from the Russian airbase "Olenya."