Monday17 February 2025

Geminis will enjoy a perfect day, while Leos may face unfulfilled hopes: Tarot horoscope for January 28, 2025.

Pay attention to your feelings and nurture your inner balance.
Близнецам сегодня повезет, а Львам ждут разочарования: узнайте свой гороскоп Таро на 28 января 2025 года.

On Tuesday, January 28, representatives of certain zodiac signs will need to stand up for their beliefs, experience emotional fluctuations, or deal with unresolved issues. For some, the day will open doors to love, support, and financial prosperity. This is a day when intuition and a conscious approach to what is happening will help overcome any challenges.

This forecast is provided by the Tarot cards drawn for January 28. "Telegraf" invites you to find out what to expect specifically for you.

Aries — Reversed Three of Cups

On this day, luck may not be on your side; a planned venture may not end as you would like. You might be discussed behind your back or face some other form of treachery. For now, it’s best to remain moderate and avoid excess in anything.

Taurus — Reversed Four of Swords

This card suggests that new battles lie ahead — perhaps the return of old problems or matters you thought were resolved. You may finally need to make an important decision to resolve the situation.

Gemini — King of Pentacles

You can expect confidence and success in the material realm. This card symbolizes maturity, reliability, practicality, and the ability to manage resources wisely. This day may prove favorable for financial matters, work, investments, and any endeavors related to material wealth.

Cancer — Reversed Four of Pentacles

In its upright position, this card is known as "The Master of Earthly Power," but in reverse, it warns that on Tuesday, you may lose control over a situation, and your money could simply "slip through your fingers." This may happen due to your carelessness, so be cautious.

Leo — Reversed Ace of Cups

Fateful meetings and blessings are postponed, and your hopes and expectations may not be fulfilled just yet. The card warns that Sunday may bring apathy, irritability, and mood swings.

Virgo — Blank Card

There are two cards in the deck that look the same on both sides, and they have several interpretations. It’s possible that the events of the coming day are not yet defined for you, or that knowing about them could harm you in some way. Alternatively, you may simply not want or be ready to receive this information.

Libra — Queen of Cups

This is a sensitive, vulnerable, and emotional queen who values peace, home comfort, and her loved ones. Sometimes she may take the world around her too much to heart and suffer because of it. Therefore, the advice from the card is to dedicate this day to your loved ones, protect your nerves, and engage in creativity.

Scorpio — Five of Wands

Another name for this card is the Master of Struggle, and it warns that you will need to stand up for yourself and fight. A conflict may arise in any area of life: at home, at work, or even within yourself. If you try hard enough, you will prove your point and turn the situation around for the better.

Sagittarius — Two of Cups

This card is also known as the Master of Love, and it signifies that on Tuesday, you may grow closer to someone and elevate your relationship to a new level. Spend the beginning of the week with your loved ones, listen to their advice, and everything will turn out favorably for you.

Capricorn — Reversed Five of Cups

In its reversed position, this card brings new hopes. Everything will improve, and your lost self-confidence will return. Someone from your past may reappear, but this return will be positive.

Aquarius — Reversed World

This position of the card indicates that you are close to success, but for some reason, complete victory will not come just yet. You may feel chaotic on this day, as if everything is slipping through your fingers. Do not ignore health-related issues on this day.

Pisces — Reversed Moon

In its upright position, this card promises little good, but in reverse, it predicts that a glimmer of hope will appear at the end of the tunnel, positive changes will come, and sincere love and care will triumph over self-deception and confusion.