Wednesday19 February 2025

The Polish presidential candidate urged NATO to allocate 5% of GDP for defense, stating that "Putin only understands strength."

He emphasized that the threat coming from the east should not be underestimated.
Кандидат в президенты Польши призвал НАТО тратить 5% ВВП на оборону, так как "Путин понимает только силу".

Poland and other NATO countries should allocate at least 5% of their GDP for defense. Writes TSN. This was reported by Kontrakty.UA.

Such an opinion was expressed by the Mayor of Warsaw and presidential candidate for Poland, Rafal Trzaskowski, as informed by PAP.

He stated that by 2026, Poland needs to spend 5% of its GDP on defense and security.

"This is exactly what the entire European Union should be doing. We need to enhance our combat capabilities, but also improve our deterrence capabilities, hence the 'Eastern Shield' project," said Trzaskowski.

He emphasized that the threat coming from the east should not be underestimated.

"Hence the project for fortifications along the entire border, which consists of 800 kilometers of fortifications, is currently being implemented and will be completed by 2028. This is of paramount importance for the security of Poland, but also for the security of the EU," said the Mayor of Warsaw.

The politician also added that this border will be one of the safest in all of Europe.

"We must show Putin that we are prepared for any scenario, as this serves as a deterrent. Putin understands only the language of strength, and that is why we are acting this way and building these fortifications," stated Trzaskowski.

Recall that it was previously reported that Zelenskyy sharply responded to the Polish presidential candidate who 'does not see Ukraine in the EU and NATO'.

Additionally, we previously informed that Poland wants to participate in negotiations to end the war in Ukraine.