Starting from 2025, the property tax in Ukraine has been increased. While in 2024 the rate for each "extra" square meter was up to 100.5 UAH, it is now set at 106.5 UAH.
This is the maximum rate, which may vary depending on the city. This information is detailed in a material from OBOZ.UA.
Who is required to pay the tax:
Additional fixed tax:
How the tax is calculated:
Special condition for joint ownership:
If the property is owned by multiple co-owners, the tax is calculated separately for each. For example, if a 150 sq. m apartment is divided among three owners, no tax will be charged since each has a tax-free limit of 60 sq. m.
The collected funds go to the local budget. Local councils also have the authority to adjust the rate and establish their own exemptions.
Previously, Telegraph reported that a new tax for drivers is set to be introduced in Ukraine: who will have to pay a significant amount.