неділя22 грудня 2024

Британська розвідка продемонструвала порожні склади радянських танків у Сибіру.

Суттєві втрати бронетехніки на фронті змусили Москву активізувати використання старих радянських танків, які були на зберіганні. Космічні знімки демонструють порожні склади в Сибіру.
Британская разведка продемонстрировала опустошенные склады советских танков в Сибири.

This is reported by RBK-Ukraine citing the UK Ministry of Defence on X (Twitter). The information is also provided by Kontrakty.UA.

According to the summary, the losses of Russian military equipment in Ukraine continue to rise. Since February 2022, Russia has lost over 3,600 main battle tanks and nearly 8,000 armored vehicles.

This has led to a reliance on outdated and poorly maintained Soviet equipment from strategic storage facilities. British intelligence indicates that armored vehicles are being taken from these depots, upgraded where possible, and sent to the front lines.

"Images have confirmed a significant reduction in armored vehicles stored at tank depots in Arsenyev, Bui, and Ulan-Ude since 2022," the UK Ministry of Defence states.

It is worth noting that Russia has been conducting offensive operations since October of last year. During this time, they have managed to capture several cities in the Donetsk region.

According to British intelligence, due to infantry assaults, November 2024 became the most costly month of the war for Russia. The daily loss rate was 1,523 personnel.

Russia's loss rate is likely to continue averaging over 1,000 personnel per day in December 2024, despite the onset of winter, as infantry attacks persist across several fronts, British intelligence predicts.