вівторок22 жовтня 2024

Коли відбудеться перемога у війні і якою вона буде: думки українців.

У вересні 2024 року 83% респондентів висловили впевненість у перемозі України у війні з Росією, що є незначним підвищенням у порівнянні з червнем, коли цей показник становив 80%.
Когда наступит победа в войне и как она будет выглядеть: ответ украинцев.

This is reported by RBK-Ukraine, citing data from a survey conducted by the Razumkov Center. Additionally, this information is provided by Kontrakty.UA.

Regarding the timeline for victory, among respondents who believe in it, 39% think it will occur within 1-2 years, 19.5% believe it will happen by the end of this year, 15% estimate it will take 3 to 5 years, 5% anticipate it will take more than 5 years, and 2% think victory is unlikely to happen "during my lifetime."

The most optimistic expectations for victory were observed in February-March 2023, when 50% believed that victory would be achieved by the end of 2023.

As for what can be considered a victory, a relative majority (38%) of those who believe in victory stated that it would involve the expulsion of Russian troops from all Ukrainian territory and the restoration of borders as of January 2014.

Another 17.5% would consider victory to be the destruction of the Russian army and support for an uprising or collapse within Russia.

Additionally, 17% would regard the restoration of the status quo as of February 23, 2022, as a victory, 7.5% would consider the expulsion of Russian troops from all of Ukraine except the occupied Crimea as a victory, and 8% would see the cessation of hostilities as a victory, even if the Russian army remains in the territories captured during the full-scale invasion (after February 24, 2022).

The survey was conducted by the Razumkov Center from September 20 to 26, 2024, using face-to-face interviews across all regions of Ukraine, excluding temporarily occupied territories and areas where combat operations are ongoing. A total of 2016 respondents were surveyed, with a theoretical sampling error not exceeding 2.3%.

It is worth noting that according to the Razumkov Center survey, the majority of Ukrainians (58%) supported the operation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kursk region, which began in August 2024. Conversely, 20% of respondents viewed it negatively, 7% were indifferent, and 16% had not made a decision.