вівторок22 жовтня 2024

Президент Зеленський зазначив ключовий фактор, який може сприяти закінченню війни.

На протязі багатьох років Москва експлуатувала геополітичну невизначеність в Україні.
Президент Зеленский обозначил ключевой фактор для окончания войны.

The invitation for Ukraine to join NATO will be crucial and serve as one of the main arguments for ending the war initiated by the Russian Federation. Reports TSN. This has been stated by Kontakty.UA.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky made this announcement during a European Council meeting.

This decision, the head of state emphasizes, will demonstrate the "inevitability of Ukraine's European integration and its undeniable path toward democracy."

"The invitation will strengthen our diplomatic positions and become one of the key arguments in favor of ending the war," Zelensky stated.

According to the president, Moscow has exploited geopolitical uncertainty for decades due to Ukraine's absence as a NATO member.

It is worth noting that NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte commented on Zelensky's Victory Plan. The North Atlantic Alliance has taken note of it, but many political and military aspects need to be discussed.