вівторок22 жовтня 2024

Вантажне судно "Григорій Ловцов" у Росії перекинулося.

У водах біля російського Сахаліну сталася аварія з вантажним судном "Григорій Ловцов", яке транспортувало щебінь та пісок. Корабель перекинувся поблизу Корсаківського району під час процесу перевантаження.
В России перевернулся грузовой корабль "Григорий Ловцов".

This is reported by RBK-Ukraine citing the Telegram channel SHOT. Information has also been provided by Kontrakty.UA.

As a result of the incident, seven crew members found themselves in the water.

Three sailors were rescued by nearby vessels; however, the fate of the remaining four remains unknown. According to other reports, two individuals have died, while one was successfully pulled from the water and taken to the hospital.

Active search and rescue operations are ongoing at the scene, involving two tugboats and a rescue vessel. The Sakhalin transport prosecutor's office has initiated an investigation into the incident.

Incident in Russia

About a month ago, a helicopter crash involving a Robinson R66 occurred in the Amur region of Russia. On board was the owner of the gold mining company LLC "Hergu."

Additionally, on October 10, information about the crash of a Yak-130 training combat aircraft was reported. The incident took place on the border of Kalmykia and the Volgograd region during a training flight. The pilot managed to eject and survived.